What Does Vitamin A Do for Your Skin?

Vitamin A is a nutrient that is essential for human health. It is especially important for general eye health, supporting your immune system and keeping your skin glowing. The body can get vitamin A from two primary sources: through the food you eat and from supplements. But did you know you can also absorb vitamin A through your skincare products?

As one of the most important nutrients for the skin, vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. It helps to keep skin cells functioning properly, supports the production of collagen, and inhibits the production of melanin, which can cause dark spots and pigmentation. Additionally, vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect skin from sun damage.

With the lifestyle that we lead, the vitamin A in our body gets reduced every day, resulting in damaged skin. Want to learn how vitamin A makes your skin healthy from the inside? We’re sharing all the benefits of vitamin A for the skin and what products you can add to your skincare routine to make sure it remains smooth and supple.

What is Vitamin A?

Before we begin, let us help you understand what vitamin A is and how it benefits your skin.

As an essential micronutrient, vitamin A helps boost your immune system, supports reproductive health, maintains eye function, and keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy.

This powerhouse of a vitamin comes in two types; the first is the pre-formed vitamin A known as retinoids, while the second is the pro-formed carotenoids. Both types are used to enhance your skin, as your liver converts both types into retinol – an ingredient you might recognise from the label of your quality skincare products.

Vitamin A can be added to your daily health routine in the form of supplements, but as your skin can easily absorb topically applied vitamin A, skincare products such as serums and cremes may result in faster and more targeted results.

Is vitamin A the same as retinol?

A lot of people are confused about the fact that whether retinol and vitamin A are the same or not.

In short, retinol is derived from vitamin A. Animal products like dairy, eggs, kidneys, and liver are rich in retinoids and you’ll find carotenoids in plant-based products like fruits, carrots, and yellow and dark veggies.

Both are then converted into retinol by the human body and used by your skin to reduce signs of ageing, prevent acne and makes your skin healthier.

Why Vitamin A (or retinol) is important for healthy skin

When it comes to getting healthier skin, vitamin A is the frontrunner. It helps in producing collagen in your skin, something that slows down as you age. It also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine-lines.

The retinoids produced through vitamin A keeps your skin glowing and healthy-looking by:

  • Protecting it from the harmful UV-rays from the sun that can cause damage which leads to sunspots and hyperpigmentation. This also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like skin cancer.

  • Preventing your pores from getting clogged and inflamed and reducing acne.

  • Assisting in the production of new blood vessels that result in glowing skin.

  • Making your skin look younger and fresh.

  • Replenishing dried and dead looking skin.

Vitamin A is not just for your face

There are many ways vitamin A can benefit your overall health, not just your skin.

Stronger Eyesight

As you age your vision can deteriorate and some people experience a decline in vision, as well as night-blindness. This is one of the most common symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.

Adding supplements and foods into your diet that are rich in vitamin A can help protect your eyesight.

Healthier Immune System

Your body needs its natural defences to keep diseases at bay. For that, you need a healthy immune system.

Deficiency in vitamin A may increase your susceptibility to catching infections and slow down the healing process. Vitamin A helps to boost your natural immune system, helping you stay healthy.

Healthier Bones

Vitamin D is not the only vitamin that promotes bone health. Vitamin A plays a vital role in helping your bones stay strong as you age and reduces the risk of fractures.

How to use Vitamin A in your skincare routine

There are multiple ways you can add vitamin A to your skincare routine by simply using cremes and serums that are rich in retinol to help your skin remain healthy and fresh.

Here at The Skin Manifesto, we love helping our clients boost their skin health with professionally formulated vitamin a skincare products that actually work to brighten, correct and hydrate the skin. Working with a professional and medically-trained aesthetician is important when choosing the right skincare products for your skin.

You can also use some over-the-counter supplements. However, it is always wise to talk to your physician before taking any medication.

There are natural ways to add vitamin A rich foods to your diet as well.

Here are some of the foods you can consume to boost the levels of vitamin A in your body:

  • Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale

  • Summer squash, pumpkin, and carrots

  • Mango

  • Dairy products

  • Eggs

  • Fish oils

  • Beef liver

  • Fruits such as mango and cantaloupe

Best vitamin A products to use for healthy skin

Since your skin can easily absorb vitamin A, the most sure-fire way to provide it with this nutrient is through reliable products.

Here are some tried-and-tested products that can assist in making your skin look younger, fresher and clearer.

Lira Pro Retinal-Plus Treatment

As the newest addition to Lira’s clinical range of vitamin A skincare products, the PRO Retinal Plus has reimagined how retinol is used in skincare; working with your skin’s natural functions to stimulate, re-energise and restore your skin to a healthful, youthful state. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help correct your skin at a deep layer to help you maintain results after any in-clinic treatments.

Lira Pro Retinol Créme

This is one of our tried-and-true go-to products we use to help you achieve your skincare goals – making your face feel radiant and fresh. The blend of vitamin C, retinol and shea butter helps to improve pigmentation, prevent acne, and has anti-ageing properties.

Lira Pro C4 Retinol Serum With PSC

This is another great product that comes with vitamin C, retinol, and plant stem cells to enrich and brighten your skin. It is a multitasking serum that prevents aging as well as acne. You will retain the glow of your skin with the help of this antioxidant powerhouse.At the end of the day, your skin is just like any other organ of your body. The more care and effort you put into maintaining its overall longevity, the better results you’ll achieve. Boosting your skin’s health with vitamins is a safe and all-natural way of tending to it. 

If you’re ready to take your skincare routine to the next level, rewind the signs of aging and look after your skin for the decades ahead, come and visit us in our skin clinic located in Miranda, NSW.

Through an advanced skin analysis, we can determine the best skincare routine for your individual needs and work with you to develop an in-clinic or home treatment plan, using our range of professional treatments and Lira Clinical products.


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